Wednesday, January 26, 2011

ovis hill farms

the chickens seem to hover around where the barn once stood.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. i'm into it. i'm spending my evening watching bad tv, saveur magazines scattered beside me, computer in my lap, stalking other photogs' websites and playing with new and old photos. meanwhile i'm getting hungry.

and inspired.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

lions and tigers and food, oh my

i remember the days of getting up and only thinking about taking pictures quite fondly. especially since there have really only been a handful of them. these days, i am busy raising two beautiful girls and working, but the urge to be creative is always there. having ideas and making them happen isn't usually easy. working on a personal project is often sabotaged by the buzzer on the dryer or a rumbling tummy or loses a battle against my need for sleep.

when i was offered the opportunity to take photos for my beloved employer, fish, i got really excited to pick up my camera and really nervous about how to do it. food photography turns out to be a stroll down a yellow brick road. i was terrified of a beast that sort of sat there, not trying to harm me at all. and it sits there. funny jokes, helpful directives, all wasted on an inanimate objects.

it's a work in progress. and a labor of love.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the keller kid's kool.

look who's walking!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

best. wedding. ever.

shot shana and mike making it official. kind of like the best thing ever.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


currently editing the photos from a shoot i did with the very handsome CONNOR! we did a photojournalistic style shoot at home to really capture what this little guy is like at 18 months old. his parents will get a great spread of pictures documenting his genuine expressions and activities...i got a reminder of exactly how full of life and energy an 18 month old child is! love shooting kids at home because they can really relax and let you get such an honest portrait of them. thanks, connor!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

stuck mojo

these guys are rock stars. be looking for their new album. put it in your eardrums.